Römertor - The Roman Gate and its views The Roman Gate, Römertor. It was erected in 1902 at Heidenmauer, remaining remnants from the Roman fortifications. Now the trafficated Coulinstrasse goes through it. Towards Marktkirche. Coulinstrasse. Coulinstrasse goes right through the Roman Gate. Heidenmauer, remnants from the Roman fortifications are to the right. Kaiser Friedrichs Baths. Modern cars underneath the Roman gate. Heidenmauer, The Heathen Wall, remnants from the Roman times. Views form the Roman Gate, Römertor:The famous Kaiser Firedrichs Baths, Old Catholic Church and some of the white city buses. Skyline dominated by Marktkirche, seen from Römertor. Towards the pedestrian zone. Graffiti inside the stairs to the Roman Gate. Coulinstrasse is very hilly. There was a huge traffic jam the Saturday I was there. |