Sopot - city center
SKWER KURACYJNY (Curative Square):This is the square where you find the large Sheraton hotel and spa with its sprawling fountain, the entrance to Europe's longest wooden pier, and the beginning of the main street, Montecassino. Many restaurants, café and nightclubs can aslo be found around the square, that is all pedestrian since the Grudwaldzka street was put underground when passing the square. |
Kuracyjny square | Kuracyjny square | Kuracyjny square |
Bayjonn Hotel, a 3 star hotel in a postmodern building at Kuracyjny square | Grunwaldzka street goes underneath Kuracyjny square, and then changes name to Powstancow Warszawy. | Kuracyjny square |
BOHATERÓW MONTE CASSINO (Monte Cassino street):Monte Cassino is the main street of Sopot, the center of Northern Poland's nightlife. Here you find restaurants, nighclubs, cafés, fancy stores, nice trees, market stands, street art and galleries. It is a pedestrian street and starts at the Kuracyny square, goes up in a hilll and ends at Plac Konstitucjy, where you find the landmark St George's Church. Along Monte Cassino you will also find Sopot's foremost symbol, the so called "Crooked House", a modern building with an odd shape. |
Inside "The Crooked House" | Inside "The Crooked House" | Inside "The Crooked House" |
"The Crooked House", MonteCassino | H&M, "The Crooked House" | London phone box, Monte Cassino |
Monte Cassino street seen from the entrance of "The Crooked House" | Monte Cassino street | Monte Cassino street |
Monte Cassino, looking down | Side street to Monte Cassino | KFC, Monte Cassino |
Souvenir stand, Monte Cassino | Historic building, Monte Cassino | Street art, Monte Cassino |
Looking down (Northwards towards the sea), Monte Cassino |
PLAC KONSTYTUCJY 3 MAJA (Constitution Square of May 3rd): This is the busy square at the higher end of Montecassino. Here you find St George's Church (sw. Jerzy), Hotel Rezydent and a few restaurants. It is also close to the main train station. |
Plac Konstytucji 3 Maja | Plac Konstytucji 3 Maja | Plac Konstytucji 3 Maja |
AROUND THE STATION AND BOHATERÓW MONTE CASSINO West of the railway tracks:This short part of Monte Cassino street is the less glamourus side of Sopot's main street. |
Royal Nightclub, Monte Cassino | West part of Monte Cassino | West part of Monte Cassino |
Sopot Central Station, regional train | Sopot Central Station | Sopot Central Station |
ALEJA NIEPODLEGOSCI: :The area around this main road is nice, but less glamorous then the immediate city center around Monte Cassino street. It is very trafficated and filled with hotels, stores and restaurants. |
Aleja Niepodleglosci street | Aleja Niepodleglosci street | Aleja Niepodleglosci/Monte Cassino streets |
Aleja Niepodleglosci street on the west side of the Central Station | Aleja Niepodleglosci street shows a nice but less fancy side of Sopot | Aleja Niepodleglosci street |
Culture house, Aleja Niepodleglosci street | Green side street to Aleja Niepodleglosci | Renaissance building, Aleja Niepodleglosci street |
Aleja Niepodleglosci street | Aleja Niepodleglosci | Jugend building, 3 Maja/ Podjazd streets |
St Michael the Archangel church (św. Michała Archanioła), 3 Maja street | St Michael the Archangel church | Hostel Grande Sopotiera, 3 Maja street |
3 Maja street | 3 Maja street | 3 Maja street |
3 Maja street | 3 Maja street | Intersection 3 Maja/Grunwaldzka |
Flags at the intersection of Aleja Niepodleglosci/Monte Cassino streets | 1 Maja street | 1 Maja street |
AROUND PARK MORSKIE OKO:This area is famous for the Sopot International Song Festival, that is held annually at Opera Lesna and is one of the biggest song contests in Europe. In contrary to Eurovision, artists from all over the world are allowed. |
Morskie Oko park, near Opera Lesna | Near Morskie Oko park | Morskie Oko |