Skylines and views Kraków doesn't have much of a skyline, except for the church towers and a few highrises. In contrary to Warsaw, no skyscrapers have been built in consideration of the large amount of old historical buildings. In the city center the average buildings have just a few floors and the tallest structures are the churches. Even in the outskirts it is rare with really tall buildings, even if new office buildings with 10-17 floors are rising fast. The by far tallest highrise has just 20 floors. But the beautiful old buildings compensate for that. The best view of the city can be seen from Bronislawa Hill and the 2nd best from Wawel Hill. Main Market Square with Sukiennice (Drapers Hall) to the left and the former City Hall Tower to the right. Main Market Square with St Mary's Basilica, the tallest church in Kraków. Just south of River Wisla and city center: Cracovia Business Center, the tallest building in Kraków and the only "skycraper" in the city, seen from a bridge over Wisla. Bronislawa Hill: A large Coca-Cola sign tries to hide an ugly facade at the south side of Vistula. Looking towards the district just south of Vistula. Bronislawa Hill is a hill with the best view of Krakow. We didn't go there, since it is situated far to the west across the river, but it is considered an attraction with Chapel of St. Bronislawa and other historical buildings. The most important parts of Kraków are located north of Vistula. A former hotel with a huge Coca-Cola ad. The building will probably been torn down in the near future. Far outskirts/suburbs: Commie blocks in the outskirts of Krakow, seen when arriving by the train from Warsaw. |