Hässleholm Population: 18 500 (metro 50 000) Hässleholm is a small town in the Northernmost part of Skåne, near the border to Småland. It is a railway hub next to the lake Finjasjön, and has has 3 so called "avenues". The city center is usually pretty empty after opening hours, but there are many stores, supermarkets and restaurants Första Avenyn, leading towards the church. Stortorget and Första Avenyn. Hotel Statt at Stortorget. Hässleholms Kyrka, the church. A sports arena. Hässlehom by night:A tunnel beneath the modern railway station. This is a critic about the lack of cultural life. Several of these posters can be found, even at the welcoming sign at the border. Hässleholm Kyrka.