
Population: 18 500 (metro 50 000)
Year: 2004 (2012, 2014)

Hässleholm is a small town in the Northernmost part of Skåne, near the border to Småland. It is a railway hub next to the lake Finjasjön, and has has 3 so called "avenues". The city center is usually pretty empty after opening hours, but there are many stores, supermarkets and restaurants
-especially pizzerias- in the town.

Första Avenyn, leading towards the church.

Stortorget and Första Avenyn.

Hotel Statt at Stortorget.

Hässleholms Kyrka, the church.

A sports arena.

Hässlehom by night:

A tunnel beneath the modern railway station.

This is a critic about the lack of cultural life. Several of these posters can be found, even at the welcoming sign at the border.

Hässleholm Kyrka.