
Galgberget is the green “gallows mountain“ that overlooks the city, just north of downtown.
It used to be an execution place until the mid 19th century. Wood was planted here in the 1860s.
Galgberget is actually an esker, not a mountain.

Looking towards Galgberget.

A beautiful green lane in Mickedala right at the foot of Galgberget.

The stairs up from to Galgberget, where I haven’t been since I was about 4 years old.

Hallandsgården is an open air museum at Gallows mountain. Just like at Kulturen in Lund, there are very old wellpreserved houses in typical red wood Swedish style, of those some have been moved to Hallandsgården from other places in Halland. Hallandsgården was founded in 1925 and has about a dozen houses.

At this stone, we first thought there stood „666“ but it probably is „1666“.

The windmill of Hallandsgården.

The nice open-air café at Hallandsgården, where we sat down and had coffee for a while.

Hörsåsstugan was built in the beginning of the 18th century.

Hörsåsstugan is Hallandsgården’s oldest house.

Galgberget has very nice vegetation and many events are held there.

The observation tower on the top of Galgberget. It was completed in 1897 and is today a residence for a woman who lives there and she displays her paintings in the stairway that leads to the top.

It is free to get up to the top of Galgberget’s observation tower. During WWII a canon was placed on its top.
You can see the views from the tower in the skyline section.

The stairway is very narrow.