Gdansk - Skylines and views

Gdansk's city center only have 3 modern highrises, but it is filled with historic churches and towers. There are no real skyscrapers in the city, but the outskirts are filled with faily tall "commie block" highrises and the cranes of the shipyard are really tall. The tallest buildings are still two historic and equally tall (82m to the spire) buildings: St Mary's Cathedral and the Main Town Hall. The tallest highrise is Prorem Tower near the central station. From a viewing platform at one of St Mary's Cathedral's towers, you got splendid views over the city, if you endure to walk the 400 steps to the top through sometimes very narrow passages!



View towards the Old Town and River Motlawa with part of the cathedral. St Mary's Basilica (Bazylika Mariacka), built in gothic style, is the world's largest brick church and the tallest building in Gdansk (82m to the spire).

View to the South with the Main Town Hall in the middle. This building is equally tall as St Mary's and also features a viewing platform. In the distance you can see the forests and fields that surround the city.

View to the North towards the Old Town with Jarek Tower, Great Mill, Madison Mall and St Catherine's Church in the front. Behind them are Gdansk's tallest highrise buildings: Zieleniak (72m), Prorem Tower (80m, tallest) and Mercure Hotel Hevelius (70m). In the background is the cranes of the famous Stocznia Maritim Shipyard, where Lech Walesa started the Solidarity movement.

Town Hall tower's viewing platform.


Beyond the old town

The outskirts of Gdansk are green

Spire of St Mary's Basilica and surrounding landscape   Spire and East of River Motlawa, opposite Old Town. The white highrise is Hydroster Biurowiec Bldg    
St John's Church (Kosciól sw. Jana) in the Old Town. This huge brick church is situated near River Motlawa and was built in the 1300s and completed in the 15th century. Johannes Hevelius was christened there in 1611, and today many concerts take place there. Since it was mistakingly built on swampland, it has been sinking, and after it was burnt during WWII, the building has been restored with its gothic interior by St John's Center.

Townhouses in Gdansk's historic Main Town, rebuilt after WWII.


Coal Market and Western outskirts

Prison Tower, Coal Market

St Catherine's Church, Prorem Tower, St Bartholomew's Church, and Mercure Hevelius Hotel.


Highrises in the outskirts

A modern skyscraper and a church in the outskirts

Third Millennium John Paul II Bridge, built in 2001, has a 100m tall pylon. It spans over River Vistula's branch Martwa Wisla.


Part of the church and River Motlawa

Even more commie blocks


Main Station (Gdansk Glowny) in Stare Miasto and the hilly forest that borders the city center (Srodomiescie). Trains go to the bordering cities Gdynia and Sopot and many other cities from this station, that opened in 1900.

Mariacka street and part of St Mary's (Bazylika Mariacka)   ZUS (Social insurance building) and colourful commie blocks   ZUS and the Podwale Przedmiejskie highway

Stocznia Maritim Shipyard (formerly Lenin Shipyard), where Lech Walesa started the Solidarity movement.   Stocznia Maritim Shipyard   Modern building with gold glass in the old town

PGE Arena, a futuristic arena in Northwest Gdansk with golden colours. It was built in 2011.   Bridge construction or some industry?   Seaport

ST MARY'S CATHEDRAL (more pictures on this page):

Stairway to the top, St Mary's Basilica   Bell, St Mary's Basilica   Stairway to the top, St Mary's Basilica

St Mary's Cathedral (Bazylika Mariacka), the world's largest brick church. This 80m tall main tower is here seen from Piwna.


St Mary's Basilica, Marienkirche in German

The inner part of the sloping roof of St Mary's Basilica, seen on the way to the viewing platform

Altar, St Mary's Basilica   Organ, St Mary's Basilica   Interior, St Mary's Basilica

Click here to read more about St Mary's Church in the City center - part 1 section.


Views from the flight Gdansk-Malmö and Malmö-Gdansk:

A huge highway intersection seen from the plane on the flight back to Malmö.


Another huge highway intersection t

Outskirts of Gdansk from the plane

Tall mast outside Gdansk   Wealthy suburb of Gdansk   Mast and coastline, Baltic Sea

Tricity: Gdansk, Sopot and Gdynia