Statens Museun for Kunst - National Gallery of Denmark
Statens Museum for Kunst (literally the State's Museum for Art) is the National Gallery of Denmark. It is situated at the instersection Øster Voldgade and Sølvgade in central Copenhagen, just northwest of the Old Town. Often shortened SMK, the museum was established in 1896 and conisist of an older neo-classicist building, connected to a modern building via skybridges through a light atrium. The museum handles art from Denmark and abroad, from the 14th century until today. You can find classic paintings by Rubens and Rembrandt as well as works of Munch, Metzinger, Danish surrealistic painters like Erik Ortvad and Wilhelm Freddie as well as temporary modern exhibtions. The museum has about 424 000 visitors annually and contains almost 9000 paintings. The older collections come from chambers of Danish kings.
