DDR Museum This is a small museum about the history and daily life in the former DDR (GDR) communist regime. It is situated across River Spree from Museumsinsel, next to the Berliner Cathedral. It was recently moved from the old location next to the Holocaust Memorial. It was very interesting to visit to learn about the past of East Berlin and East Germany. The entrance to the DDR Museum. DDR stands for Deutsche Demokratische Republik. In 2008 it was nominated the award "European Museum of the year". DDR museum, Spree, and the cathedral. The wasteland between the East (left) and West (right) side of the Berliner Wall. Trabant, this small car was the only car people could afford in the DDR and the citizens had to wait for years to get one. Typical home interior from the DDR. The statesmen drove Volvo limousines while everyone else had to be satisfied with "Trabis". The air was extremely polluted during the DDR times. The wall and fence around Germany. Communist stuff. |