Nikolaiviertel Nikolaiviertel (Nicholas Quartier) is a small area with old buildings, consisting of only a few blocks, close to Alexanderplatz in the city center on the Eastern shore of River Spree. Nikolaiviertel is one of the few neighbourhoods in Berlin with mainly old buildings, and is part of Alt-Berlin (Old Berlin). But in fact it is not an old neighbourhood, some of the historic buildings are preserved, but most of them have been transported there in the late 80s to reconstruct the old heart of Berlin since the old alleys where destroyed during World War II. The area was reconstructed because of the 750th anniversary of Berlin in 1987, that was then DDR. I was there twice, in the day and in the night. Both times its started to rain a bit. Also check out the Berlin by night section to see photos of Nikolaiviertel after dark. "Skyline" of Nikolaiviertel. Nikolaikirche (St Nicholas Church) is the oldest church in Berlin, originally from 1230. But in 1949 the old church collapsed after fires from the WWII. In 1987 the church was rebuilt. Nikolaikirche is mainly a museum. The entrance to Nikolaikirche. Inside Nikoalikirche. Details of Nikoalikirche. A large female coppar sculpture of the muse Clio, just outside the church. Museum Knoblauchhaus with its neoclassical facade is one of the few preserved buildings. Nikolaikirchplatz in front of the church with its small neoclassical buildings. The fountain at Nikolaikirchplatz.
Nikolaikirchplatz with Fernsehturm and Rotes Rathaus in the background. Propstrasse, towards River Spree, with arcades with exclusive shops on each side. "St Georges fight against the dragon". A wild etrusquean sculpture next to the river. The dragon/horse sculpture at Propstrasse, nex to River Spree and Museumsinsel. The arcades next to Spree has exclusive stores and outdoor restaurants. Exclusive restaurants with outdoor restaurants and the TV tower. Nikolaiviertel and Rotes Rathaus seen from Fernsehturm.
Just outside Nikolaiviertel:Looking towards the highrises at Getraudenstrasse with Nikolaiviertel to the left. Looking at Spree and grey commie blocks. Museumsinsel, Berliner Dom and River Spree seen from Nikolaiviertel. A small pink observation tower at Molkenmarkt, at the intersection between Nikolaiviertel and Old Town Hall. The Old City Hall (Altes Stadthaus), seen from the square Molkenmarkt. A majestic neoclassical building completed in 1911, that despite its imposing shape and size, is pretty unknown among tourists. The Nazis had plans to make this building an administration building, and cleared many buildings around it to make an administration center in the area. |