Old Town Toledo - part 2 Sinagogue El Tránsito:Sinagoga del Transito was built in 1336. Before it was converted into a museum it has been a church and a hospital. Only 3 synagogues are left in Spain. 2 of them are Museo Sefardi is a museum of jewish history inside the historic synagogue El Transito. Sinagoga El Transito.
Plaza Amarillos del Tránsito.
House of El Greco:House of El Greco, the famous painter. Museo El Greco. El Greco was a famous painter that lived in Toledo. This is a recreation of his home, that were lost many years ago. Monasterio San Juan de los Reyes. The church in 1504, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist and is an example of Gothic-Spanish-Flemish style, San Juan de los Reyes Monasterio San Juan de los Reyes. It was hard to take photo of it from afar. Escuela de artes aplicadas y oficios artísticos, a fine arts school built in 1882. The arts school and the Monasterio church. Monasterio San Juan de los Reyes. Puerta del Cambrón. A former muslim fortress. The name comes from thorny plants, that grow on the site. The Jewish Quarters (Barrío de la Juderia):Barrio de la Juderia is a very small area with narrow lanes. The Jewish Quarters has some of the most narrow lanes in Toledo. Plaza de Baldecalero. Iglesia de San Ildefonso, more known as Jesuits Church. There are great views from the top, but I didn't have to get up, since I had just one hour left until the train The Jesuits Church with its twin spires is the 2nd most magnificent church after the gothic cathedral. The interior of the Jesuits Church. Plaza de San Vicente:Museo Visigótico (right). The Visagoths ruled Toledo in the 4th century. Yet another church. Plaza de San Vicente. Toledo in Ohio, USA is named after Toledo, Spain and this street is named after Toledo, Ohio. Fashion stores near Zocodover. |