Ille de
la Cité
This small island (ile=island) in Seine is the origin of Paris. Celtic tribes
began to settle on this island for more than 1000 years ago. The tribe Parisii
gave Paris it´s name. But the history goes even further back in time: Ile de
la Cité was captured by Julius Caesar year 53 AD. It became the center of political
power, the church and the law. Today Nôtre-Dame and Palais de Justice are the
most important buildings on this island, connected by the Parisian land on the
both sides of Seine by old bridges like Pont Neuf. La Prefecture de Police (the
police´s HQ), the church Sante-Chapelle and Conciergerie are also majestic and
important buildings.

Nôtre-Dame. That means "our lady". May be the world´s most famous gothic cathedral.
Alexander III laid the first stone in 1163, but it wasn´t completed until 1330.

Nôtre-Dame. The two towers on the facade of this gothic masterpiece and symbol of Paris
history, are 69m tall each, and the spire in the middle of the cathedral is
90m. Place du Parvis Notre-Dame is the square in front of the cathedral. In
Crypte Archéologique beneath this square are 1000 year old buildings, that are
the oldest in Paris.

We went inside Nôtre-Dame just before it was about to close.
The interior is
really large and magnificent. When we went inside,
we felt the gothic atmosphere
as beautiful music was playing with
a female voice accompanied by an Organ and
a priest talking
in French (of course).

Heavy clouds over Seine.
Old buildings with Tour Jussieu in the middle.

Ste-Chapelle. A gothic chapel from 1248, 75m high to the spire. It is famous
to have a magnificent architecture with large windows. Unfortunately, we didn’t
experience much of this building.

Pont Neuf, Paris oldest bridge. Ironically Pont Neuf means “the new bridge”
Note the sign in the middle on the white building: Dansk Møbelkunst. Their only
store except for one in Copenhagen.
Le Louvre seen from Ille de la Cité.
Pont Neuf and a beautiful building.
Standing on Pont Neuf looking towards the Louvre.
La Samaritaine. Famous department store, hidden behind the statue of Henry IV.
It was closed when we were in Paris because the fire safety was not approved,
so they have to work on the improvement of the building for a long time. But
I was there in 2000 and I think it is the nicest department store in Paris with
its art deco architecture and its courtyard topped by a glass dome.

The bridges and river boats of Seine, the long river that divides Paris in north
and south.

Conciergerie, the prizon of the French revolution. A very majestic and beautiful
building, in my opinion.
Tour St Jacques, a gothic tower that is left from a destroyed church.
Tour Jussieu is a 27-storey skyscraper from 1971 on the other (south) side of
Seine. It is 113m tall. Unfortunately it was wrapped up, so nothing of its architecture
was visible.

Details and gargoyles of Nôtre-Dame.
Square Jean XXIII, a pieceful garden/square just in front of Nôtre-Dame.
A restaurant boat on Seine opposite Nôtre-Dame.
Nôtre-Dame from southeast almost looks like a different building than from the
exterior to the west.