Night skyline views from Main Tower

This page is about the night views I took from the observation platform on the roof of Main Tower, Frankfurt's 3rd tallest skyscraper and the only building with an observation deck in Frankfurt, despite the large number of tall buildngs. The platsform is located on the height of 200m. Main Tower was built in 1999 and is 240m tall to the top of the mast. The views are really impressive since Frankfurt has a lot of skyscrapers. It was odd to find out that not a single plane was visible, because of the volcano on Iceland that made all flights cancelled the same day I arrived in Frankfurt in April 2010! Be sure to not miss the page with day views from Main Tower. I took the pictures a Friday night just before closing time.

To the south: Commerzbank Tower, the tallest building in the EU, has a green light at night! It is 300m to the top of the spire. You can also see River Main.

To the west: DZ Bank, Messeturm and Trianon.

To the west: Here also including Deutsches Bank (right).

Europaturm, the TV tower that is Frankfurt's tallest structure, and OpernTurm.

Alstadt, River Main and Sachsenhausen.

Towards Zeil and an amusement park.

Details of the green and yellow lights of Commerzbank Tower.

Bahnhofsviertel, Main and the airport to the far right (still no planes in sight).

Mainhattan by night.